never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Trained to Keep Our Mouths Shut
by compound complex in
never a jw
I guess this system of Satan (humanists and humanitarian movements) is getting tired of all these God fearing fundamentalists and has decided to expose them for what they are: hypocrites, liars and abusers -
Can my friend be DFd for dating a non witness and wanting to get married to him
by cognitivedizzy indear all, need some advice .
in my country one can get dfd for pretty much anything the bullies want to df you for.
but is there any specific guidelines that state one can or cannot be dfd for marrying a non witness.
never a jw
My wife was a JW in good standing when she started dating me. She got reproved only (couldn't comment in the congregation and something else). But the reason she got reproved is because her sister went to the elders and suggested, with no proof at all, that we may have done something wrong; we never did. The elders also arranged for a speaker from another congregation to give a speech especially dedicated to her. I was there. She was pretty much called "a stain" in the congregation.
The good thing is that after we married --with nobody from her family attending the wedding-- the circuit overseer came and told off the body of elders for their actions against her. Soon the elders apologized to my wife shielding their guilt with Proverbs 4:18.
By the way, my wedding was attended by plenty of JW's from my own brother's congregation. There were lots of JW's who knew me and, I guess liked me. In fact, the Big Kahuna, an elder who was a legendary figure for having been a JW for more than 5 decades, having pretty much started the entire Hispanic conversion in the area, part of one the first Gilead class, meeting in person several heavy weight of his time. Well, you get the picture. He offered me personally to be the speaker in my wedding. I declined because I didn't want to cause him any trouble.
In summary, the reaction against dating worldly people is a grey area, even in the higher levels. I guess some more liberal elders are compassionate and understand JW women fear of becoming spinsters. Others, the chauvinists, are not so compassionate, likely very unattractive too, and want to have a big pool of women to choose from, with no regard for women desires.
We are still happily married, while a bunch of her JW's relatives who married other JW's have gone through divorce, in some cases more than once. There's even a case of an elder's wife being unfaithful with another elder.
Caveats: My marriage took place in the U.S. 21 years ago
Haha! New employee has one neighbor who's a "jerk." No surprise here
by stillin inthe neighbor blows his leaves over onto my employee's yard, then denies it.
the neighbor's wife calls the police about anything and everything.. of course they're witnesses.
never a jw
The neighbor can put and end to those calls to the police. Go and molest one of the JW's. Then Jehovah will take care of the matter. -
In Judas' Defense
by opusdei1972 ini have read in that the governing body affirms that judas has been eternally condemned:.
did judas iscariot commit an unforgivable sin?.
his greed moved him to steal money that had been donated for a sacred use.
never a jw
If we use the Bible as our guideline to determine someone's guilt and eternal damnation, or innocence and eternal salvation, we will find both, damnation and salvation for Judas. In fact, if we try hard enough using some JW ingenious reading and interpretation techniques we may even "find out" that Judas was Jesus lover and did what he did because he was jealous of Peter.
Wow! I had to edit and add to my comment after I clicked the link above (sir82)
Possibly Bart Erhman had the same thing in mind (Judas and Jesus as lovers). Look how closely Judas' lips are to Jesus' lips in the cover of his book.
In a more serious note: "Judas did not show true repentance" Really? the poor man took his life right after the "sale". Besides, it was God who crafted the whole story. God is the one who needs to show repentance for his filicide.
What made you turn atheist or agnostic?
by LevelThePlayingField inif you were a jw and are now an atheist or agnostic, what was the tipping point that made you turn to it?.
the reason i ask is i have noticed that many who leave the jw's seem to turn to atheism, versus still having some form of a faith.
have many of you given up on god first or have you had atheistic views first and then found atheism to be true.
never a jw
never been a JW. I must have turned atheist in my early teens, during junior high. I never liked the mean God of Catholics (I remember some sort of capital sins that guaranteed your trip straight to hell and, one of those sins, I believed, was missing mass) and felt that science had better answers than religion. -
Thanks GOD JW's don't have Beauty Pageants
by James Mixon ini can see it now, we are the most beautiful and smartest people in the world.. steve harvey will never be the host of another beauty pageant.
i was thinking, don't you think it's time for our society to move on from beauty pageants?.
never a jw
Beauty pageants are an opportunity for some women to show the only thing they have, physical beauty... or is it that they also have brains, but never developed their intelligence because they focused all their energy and time in looks... I always wonder how many dumb blondes are born that way, and how many are created by our society (parents especially) -
Is zeal beginning to vanish?
by Caupon init has to be starting to fade somehow.
the very last time i went out in field service, hardly any were out.
maybe just about nine people were out and man if you could just see their faces.
never a jw
My take on Hispanic JW's doing serve-us (thank you Billy for expanding my WT vocabulary) in my area:
- It's a social outing. They speak to other JW's doing serve-us 98 % of the times and the other 2% they preach to a passerby or householder.
- They appear to be competing for the prize for the slowest walk ever. How do they do it? At their pace, I would fall sleep by the time I had walked a block.
It's painful to watch, especially knowing that my daughter does the same thing in some other part of the town. Approving that baptism was the biggest mistake of my life
JW's have he lowest tolerance for LGBT
by EdenOne inaccording to a pew research survey ... and it has evolved little since 2007.. eden.
never a jw
very well said!
Even the JW's know that, in order to survive, they have to adapt to the changing values of society. The problem is that their position in many important issues (LGBT, women, blood, shunning, 1914, overlapping stupidity) has been, and continues to be, very entrenched. I think the only way out of the present problem is for the JW's to do as the Catholics did recently with the change of pope; they need to change their popes too. But I don't see it in the near future. And that's a good thing, because it can only spell DECLINE of a religion where the bad significantly offsets the good.
Brave New W0rld of Education - The Regressive Left
by cofty ini found this to be a thought-provoking film on the trend in higher education.. oubliette drew my attention to a brilliant article recently called "the coddling of the american mind".
please have a look at the film, click the link and check out the links in the article.
i would love to hear your thoughts.. ...
never a jw
It's always the other guy who is hypersensitive. Ooops ...It's always the other gal who is hypersensitive...better -
Following Christ "from a distance."
by New day inluke 22:54.
"then they arrested him and led him off, and they brought him into the house of the high priest; but peter was following at a distance.
" i am still raging because this verse was used at a recent circuit overseer's visit.
never a jw
another piece of evidence the watchtower is hurting, Company men are becoming few and far between